New Hire Orientation
A proper new hire training should have two goals:
1.) Give employees the tools needed to hit the ground running in their new jobs.
2.) Get employees hyped to be a part of the company.
Interactive activities such as Company Bingo and Sharepoint Scavenger Hunt accomplish both goals simultaneously.
Branding has been scrubbed from the original slides.

Then we watch a video so learners can see for themselves how the company is different.

Competition to see who has the most differences- there's a prize!

Review is a vital part of learning

The caller asks questions about the company and each Bingo card has answers on it

Practice using Sharepoint by finding specific, important documents

But first we'll need to invite people using Google Calendar!

A gag where I pretend to start up my internet and you hear those old modem sounds- if you know, you know

A brief lecture where we use these tips for an activity at the end

They email someone in the class an improved version of this- for many this will be the first message they send on the company email

Acknowledge the difficulties some employees have with Concur that recruits might run into

First we discuss the competition.